Monday, October 14, 2013

October 14, 2013

After this observation it seems that the top half of our eco-system is slowly dying, while the bottom half still seems to be growing. The soil is still wet which allows new leaves to grow, but they are not as big as the ones from the first days of observations. The old leaves are browning and dying leaving no room for the new leaves to grow, which is why they are growing towards the middle of the stem. It was interesting to see the roots growing from the middle of the stem. We are not too sure why this is happening, but we are thinking it is looking for more nutrients. Both the plant and elodea roots are going down to the bottom anchoring the roots into the gravel. In the bottom half of the bottle we see more growth in the elodea, clear water, and the baby snails still seem to be alive. This shows that this section is still thriving and has more nutrients. Finally, since there is still condensation at the top and water level still seem to be consistent, showing the water cycle is still taking place.

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